About Us

We are a family run business that have been selling clothes for unique women in our shop in Brighton since 1998. Our shop is in an old brewery building based in the heart of the vibrant North Laine area of the city. We hope you like the unique, high quality clothes we’ve picked from a collection of small but stylish independent suppliers around the world. We use natural fabrics that look good on real women as opposed to what’s in fashion.

Four years ago we took over the shop next door enabling us to expand the range of products that we offer. We now have a fantastic range of gift, accessories and homewear goods to complement our extensive clothing range.

We love the fact that many of our customers have been loyal to us since we opened and that many travel from far and wide to visit us. We pride ourselves on the level of service we provide and the friendly atmosphere in our shops.

Visit us when you next come to Brighton … you won’t be disappointed.


GET the look

Brighton is so diverse that it can hold the title of gay capital, Buddhist capital, hen night capital and vegetarian capital, all at the same time!

The North Laine area (where you’ll find us) is the home of Brighton style. We love the Brighton look, which is anything you want it to be! You can be free to be who you are and dress as outrageously as you like and nobody will stare. Nobody will care. They’re all doing their own thing too.

So how can you get some Brighton style? Easy. Just be happy with who you are and don’t be afraid to express it. Start by stepping away from the High Street and wear what suits you best.

Be brave, dare to be different and be Brighton beautiful.